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Discussion with e-commerce news experts
29 October 2021 г.

Discussion with e-commerce news experts

Because the pandemic is not going anywhere and new restrictions are planned for the future, many people have discovered shopping on online platforms. Regulations have spurred the market to move many goods and services previously only available offline to online. For example, ordering groceries online for door-to-door delivery is now possible, which significantly reduces the risk of infection and saves time.

Also, now there are many different sales models on marketplaces. For example, thanks to the most popular model – FBO (sale and delivery from the warehouse of the market), sellers realized how easy it is to start a business. This leads to a constant expansion of the range of goods available to buyers throughout Russia and, as a result, to an increase in the volume of online trading.

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Article author

Pavel Bednenko
Pavel Bednenko

Lead Marketer

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